Tag Archives: Seedlings

Bird Netting, Hydrangea Bushes, Seedlings & New Window Boxes

Birds although lovely to some, can derail a gardners  best attempts at a bountiful harvest. I recall having to chase them away from my beds as they would land and steal my sown seeds. There was a noticeble increase in the amount of birds that flew directly over our yard. As my plants came up I  also noticed holes where my seeds once resided. I did some research about ways to protect my seeds and then invested in bird netting. Bird netting for me has been a lifesaver…well a seedsaver and ultimately a sanity saver! If you have plants that didn’t seem to come up, perhaps it is not because your thumb is not an adequate shade of green or because your soil  is not good enough. Maybe just maybe, it is a bird or two or three enjoying the easily accessible buffet amidst your garden beds. Consider bird netting, it is cheap and often made of a material that allows you to reuse it over and over year after year.


Speaking of seeds, the sown seeds from a few weeks ago are starting to sprout!



I took a picture of both of the hydrangea bushes, they’re starting to revive from the long winter. I love their fluffy white blooms, can’t wait!



Oh and here are the new and newly installed window boxes, thanks husband! I planted some garlic bulbs in them this morning and after consideration decided to plant most or all of my herbs in these window boxes. They are under windows that are right off the dining room, accessible to the kitchen, and I can just lift a window to snip an herb if needed quickly or on a rainy day without having to dart outside.



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Seedlings Day 33

I put one tray outside today in hopes to transition it over the next few days. The sun is out today. Oh my gosh the sun is out today.

I received some organic chitted potatoes in the mail yesterday. Do you know what that means? Yes! I’m going to plant some potatoes in some bags today and tomorrow. I have all those leftover compost and soil bags so I should hopefully get a lot of potatoes this year. Lots to give to others that need them and lots to keep. 

Have you ever roasted a whole chicken and thrown some quartered potatoes, with their skins on, in along side the chicken as it roasts? This is my favorite way of preparing potatoes. The potatoes absorb the flavors of the chicken and sear on the outside as you roast it at 400 degress. The inside is tender and yummy, can’t wait!


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Seedlings Day 19

The Tomato plants are really growing. The Broccoli Raab, Pansies and even the eggplant are taking off. I need to get jumping on the other sets this weekend. Can’t wait!


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Seedlings Are Growing-Day 10




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March Seedlings


The Broccoli Raab has started to grow in only 50 or so hours, crazy. I have two more two seed pallets to fill over the next two weeks

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